Project Monitoring, Co-ordination and Evaluation Cell (PMCE)
The PMCE has been constituted in CSGRC with the aim of dealing with all project-related matters concerning the Scientists and entrusted with the compilation and timely submission of reports. It is the integral part of the institute and acts as central control system for effective project monitoring, evaluation, primary verification and formulation of new project proposals. The unit coordinates between the Director and research group of the institution. It is responsible for looking after the progress of the projects and constraints raised during their execution. PMCE is responsible for the reports submitted by the Principal Investigators and evaluates the progress and its outcome. The cell acts as central repository of the project documents, progress reports and completion reports. It does the monitoring/ evaluation of the research projects for the committed deliverables in a time bound manner and financial progress to meet the objectives. PMCE is also responsible for conducting Research Council (RC), Research Advisory Committee (RAC), and Monthly review meetings at regular time to ensure the proper review of progress of ongoing, concluded projects and evaluation of new concept notes. It mediates between the Head quarters and the institute in dissemination of timely and relevant information and circulars concerning the Scientists. It guides the fresh scientific personnel in the preparation and submission of project proposals. PMCE also involves in responding to the queries related to the review of progress of project and timely submission of Action Taken Reports (ATRs) to the head office. It assists the Director in providing necessary information as and when instructed by the Research Coordination Section (RCS).