CSGRC Overview

Central Sericultural Germplasm Resources Centre, Hosur (1991-present)

Biodiversity conservation programmes have drawn the attention of many countries because of the genetic erosion due to indiscriminate use of bio resources and damage to the environment, human interference in ecosystem, destruction of forest upsetting the equilibrium of the biosphere. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) organised by United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1992  made an awakening call to draw the global attention and gene bank maintenance have gained greater momentum and considered as “Common Heritage of Mankind” and “Sovereign Right of Nations”. The conservation of genetic resources is now accepted as an essential responsibility of national governments.

Since inception, it has conducted over 84 independent as well as collaborativesurveys and explorations in different parts of the country and collected wild and cultivated mulberry genetic resources (MGRs). At present, the field gene bank at CSGRC is maintaining 1317 MGRs out of 1032 are indigenous and 285 are exotic accessions. These accessions have been collected phase-wise and represent collections from 29 different countries and 31 states and union territories of India. The MGRs have been evaluated for propagation traits, growth and yield traits, and biochemical parameters. Characterization of the collections is categorically done for 19 morphological descriptors, 14 anatomical descriptors, and 26 Reproductive descriptors. The collected accessions have been assigned National Accession numbers by NBPGR, New Delhi.

The Organisation and Infrastructure

The organizational set up of the institute includes two major scientific divisions viz., Mulberry Division and Silkworm Division. Scientists, Technical and Administrative personnel and Skilled Farm Workers are working under this institute. The main building comprises well-equipped research laboratories of mulberry, silkworm divisions, tissue culture, biochemistry and biotechnology, administrative office, informatics section, museum, auditorium, library and canteen. The centre is equipped with a cold storage plant in the campus, advanced microscopes, laminar flow chambers, leaf area meter, PCR machines, tissue culture and cryo-preservation units, spectrophotometer, nitrogen analyzer, portable photosynthesis system, CO2 incubator, Real-time PCR machine, and other essential equipments required for different research projects.

Altogether, 20.0 acres of land is under mulberry cultivation including mulberry ex-situ Field Gene Bank(FGB-9.0 acres). Three rearing houses with 400-500 dfls rearing capacity in each house are available. A grainage with pebrine testing facilities is also developed for silkworm seed preparation and moth examination. A Post Cocoon Evaluation Section supported with boiler and silk reeling machine from Japan is also available.

To meet the objectives of a display centre for mulberry and silkworm germplasm resources, a unique and rich museum has been established. A biodiversity live museum of mulberry and silkworm genetic resources has been developed with 14 different Morus species. A herbarium with specific details on the mulberry germplasm is available.

Collection and conservation of Mulberry Genetic Resources

Country-wise collection of Mulberry germplasm

State-wise collection of Mulberry germplasm

Mulberry National Cryo Gene Banking

Mulberry Trait Specific Accessions

Trait-specific mulberry accessions including High leaf yield and biomass (20 accessions), High harvest index (17), High water retention capacity (20), High rooting (30), High ranking for multiple traits on growth traits (15), Tropical Alkaline Irrigated (09), Tropical Hot And High Humid (04), Tolerant to cold (04), Drought (17), Salinity (20), Biotic Stress –Tukra (08) and Powdery mildew (20) have been identified.

State-wise collection of Mulberry germplasm

State-wise collection of Mulberry germplasm

Silkworm Trait Specific Accessions

Collection and conservation of Mulberry Genetic Resources

  • Survey, exploration and collection in different geographical regions of the country.
  • Characterization and evaluation of the germplasm for morphological, reproductive, anatomical, biochemical, growth and yield and molecular parameters.
  • Mulberry cytology and ploidy-associated trait analysis.
  • Evaluation of germplasm for identification of elite germplasm and screening against biotic (resistance/tolerance to pathogens) and abiotic stresses (water and nitrogen efficiency, drought, saline and alkaline tolerance, thermotolerance).
  • Ex situ conservation and Cryo-preservation of mulberry, silkworm and promoting in situ
  • Utilization of germplasm adopting different schedules and supply to different universities and research institutes of the country.
  • Identification of region and season specific germplasm through multi-locational trials in different agro-ecological regions.
  • Registration and national accessioning of sericultural germplasm.

Other Services

  • Well characterized and evaluated mulberry and silkworm germplasm are supplied to the scientists to work on crop improvement programme and also to other needy users to promote ad enhance germplasm utilization.
  • Centre is providing training to the scientists involved in the germplasm management and the sericultural farmers. The centre encourages study/field visits for stakeholders besides imparting need-based trainings to graduate and post-graduate students.
  • In order to give due recognition to the scientists and also popularize the varieties/breeds evolved by them, centre is carrying out registration of the germplasm.

Other R&D institutes/facilities available nearby

  • Cold Storage Plant (CSP), NSSO, CSB, Hosur (inside CSGRC, Campus)
  • Eri Silkworm Seed Production Centre (ESSPC), Hosur (0.5 km)
  • Tamil Nadu Sericulture Training Institute (TNSTI), Hosur (2 kms)
  • Silkworm Seed Production Centre (SSPC), SIPCOT, Hosur (6 kms)
  • Institute Of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology (IBAB), Bengaluru (26 kms)
  • Regional Sericultural Research Station (RSRS), CSB, Kodathi (28.5 kms)
  • Silkworm Seed Technology Laboratory (SSTL), CSB, Kodathi (30.4 kms)
  • Seri-Biotech Laboratory (SBRL), CSB, Kodathi (30.5 kms)
  • Central Silk Board, Bengaluru (33 kms)
  • National Silkworm Sed Organisation (NSSO), Bengaluru (33 kms)
  • Central Silk Technological Research Institute (CSTRI), CSB, Bengaluru (33 kms)
  • Silk Mark Oranisation of India (SMOI), CSB, Bengaluru (33 kms)
  • Karnataka State Sericulture Research and Development Institute (KSSR&DI), Thalaghattapura, Karnataka (42.5 kms)
  • Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru (48 kms)
  • National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources (NBAIR), Bengaluru (51 kms)
  • Gandhi Krishi Vigyana Kendra (GKVK), UAS, Bengaluru (54 kms)
  • Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Hesaraghatta, Bengaluru (71.6 kms)